6. Strategy

6.1  The Steering Group has already been successful in applying to the council for permission to take on the library and is currently in the process of agreeing the details of a 10 year peppercorn lease. Once this lease is in place, the library function will be handed over to the newly formed charitable company.

6.2  We have been successful in achieving a £10,000 grant from the County Council’s Big Society Fund to assist with the transition and refurbishment works. A bid to LEADER is currently ongoing. In addition, the organisation will be bidding for further grants to allow ongoing refurbishment plans. See details under costings.

6.3  We are required to achieve planning permission for our proposals. Plans have been professionally drawn up and submitted for approval.

6.4  We have secured offers of assistance from 80 volunteers including a retired librarian who will oversee the library service. We will continue to use the Council’s book service.

6.5  We have also allocated other responsibilities to other members of the group.

6.6  The new venue will be comprehensively marketed and promoted on local village websites, village newsletters, the free local Gazette and other local press. We also have a website, a Facebook page and an ongoing campaign of flyers and leaflets to promote the facilities in order to raise revenue and making the project sustainable after initial funding  has ended.

6.7  We have a detailed plan for future investment in the centre and plan to consider all options for generating income to support the venture and also to improve the facility for use by local residents, including a possible café.